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Threats analysis ppt - Rebecca Martone

Human Impacts Analysis
Case Study:
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
13 Sept 2006
NCEAS Science Frameworks for EBM
R. Martone, C. Kappel, B. Halpern, & F. Micheli

Human Impacts Analysis – MBNMS
Table 1. Partial list of threats to marine ecosystems revised for MBNMS

Human Impacts Analysis – MBNMS
Table 2. List of human activities in the MBNMS

Human Impacts Analysis – MBNMS
Table 3. List of Habitats in the MBNMS

Human Impacts Analysis – MBNMS
Next Step: Incorporate human values into marine management
Static approach – a map of values associated with ecosystem services and human activities
Data collection: Literature surveys or empirical data collection
Choose human values & scales (i.e. habitats, locations)
Integration: use in conjunction with impacts map
Dynamic approach – site selection algorithm with feedbacks between management actions, impacts, and values across sectors

Human Impacts Analysis – MBNMS
Spatially explicit, transparent tool with which to identify human impacts
Method to estimate uncertainty around threats and/or services
Method to identify areas where data are needed (i.e. monitoring), areas of high use conflict, and areas of high return with low impact on values
Process with which to integrate habitat vulnerability & values
Test under what conditions managers might expect use conflicts or impacts


Should we conduct additional expert surveys? (e.g. MBNMS RAP)
Data sources for maps of human activities
Selection of human activities to develop maps of values of habitats or locations
What framework should be used to integrate impacts & values?
Can we make this interactive/dynamic?
Human Impacts Analysis – MBNMS

Human Impacts Analysis
Case Study:
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
13 Sept 2006
NCEAS Science Frameworks for EBM
R. Martone, C. Kappel, B. Halpern, & F. Micheli


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by Carrie Kappel last modified 13-09-2006 14:12

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